At SequentiaEnvironics we want to focus on ways to reduce the mental pollution that is everywhere around us. This has gotten to be quite difficult especially today. We are bombarded with psychological toxins on a daily basis via television, the internet, aggressive marketing tactics and more. One of the most annoying of these mental pollutants are automated phone calls. In this article we’ll go over how to stop automated calls.
What Is an Automated Call?
Have you ever gotten a call from what looks like a local number? You pick it up, and instead of an actual person a recording of someone saying you’ve won a cruise plays. They instructs you to call back (XXX) XXX-XXXX to claim your prize. Annoying. And a waste of your time.
There are different variations of this too. Sometimes the recording might say that you’re going to be arrested by the IRS, that you’re eligible for a free medical alert system, or that you can refinance your home. Most of the time these claims are fraudulent and you shouldn’t pay attention to them.
If you’re receiving automated calls on your cell phone this is illegal and you should report it.
Stopping Automated Calls
Unfortunately, not much has been done to try and stop these annoying calls, but there are a few things that you can do. If you’re a T-Mobile customer you can use their automatic scam call block, other phone carriers are also working on different ways to help their customers avoid these types of calls. In addition, there are apps like Nomorobo and an iPhone caller ID app that have incorporated automatic spam call blocking features.
Having an app on your phone will help reduce the amount of unwanted automated calls you receive, but there is still more that you can do. Whenever you pick up an automated call, do not press any buttons to be removed from the calling list. Pressing buttons on these types of calls will alert scammers to the fact that your phone number is an active number and they will inundate you with even more calls.
Lastly, make sure you report automated calls to the FTC. They are working to put a stop to these types of scams and your help brings them closer to achieving this!